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How Moms Can Embrace Courage for God's Purpose

“And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.”
– Matthew 14:29-30

Get out of that boat today!

Taking a new step is what most people fear the most. For example, starting a new business, changing your jobs, or even going into a new relationship.
If we must become who God said we would be, we need to arise and take some bold steps of faith.

To get rid of fear then there is the need to take that big leap just as Peter did.
Peter said to Jesus that, ‘I don’t have to be in the boat, I am willing to take this big step of doing what you are doing, just command me to come with you’. He took that step of faith. You don’t have to be content with the condition you are in for life, just talk to Jesus and do the impossible.
God will give you a breakthrough, but you must take a step because it is the steps of a good man that is ordered by God.

Some people are willing to stay the way they are, staying where the enemy wants them to be and never taking a step forward, just like the other eleven disciples.
They have what I call the “boat mentality”. They are always comfortable being in that zone where they are most comfortable. They are always ready to give another a piece of advice to move forward while they remain in that same position.

In the focus verse above, we can see Peter putting faith into action.
You must put your faith into action by stepping out of that seemingly “comfortable” position. 
The storm will come, no doubt. It was when Peter took the big step that the storm became stronger. You will have setbacks and all hell will rise against you, but you just must make up your mind and be assured of one thing - THE STORM HEARS HIS VOICE! Amen!

God is not looking at your qualifications, He always uses people that will set out in faith, obey Him and get out of the boat.

Today, take that big step. Get out of that boat and do that seemingly impossible thing.

Prayer Moment

Dear God, thank You that You call each one of us to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and therein receive Your forgiveness for all our sins and Your gift of eternal life. 
Thank You for the grace to serve You according to the gifts and talents You have given to each one of us.

Please help us to hear Your call to us and give us the courage to step out of our comfort zone and say yes to You today.
Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.
- Amen
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